2020-2021 Serra US Council Outstanding Club Newsletter Award Winners

At the Serra Rally held in Irving, Texas in January 2022, we were pleased to announce the winners of the US Council’s annual Outstanding Club Newsletter Award Contest. Club newsletter editors from around the nation submitted the fruits of the expertise and labor, and three Serran judges scored the entries for appearance and content. Certificates and cash prizes were awarded for highest scorers from each region, and for the top national scorer.

National Top Scoring Newsletter: Serra Club of Erie, PA

Download a copy of the September 2021 Serra Erie WAVE newsletter here.

Regional Winners:
Pacific: Serra Club of Orange County, CA 
Pacific Northwest: Serra Club of Spokane, WA
Rocky Mountain: Serra Club of Boulder County, CO
North Central: Serra Club of North-Minneapolis, MN
Central: Serra Club of St. Louis, MO
South Central: Serra Club of North Central Dallas, TX
Great Lakes: Serra Club of Louisville, KY
Southeast: Serra Club of Williamson County, TN
Northeast: Serra Club of Erie, PA 

Serra Backgrounds for Your Next Zoom Meeting

Even when the pandemic abates, we’ll still be relying on apps like Zoom to efficiently do business and see friends.
Why not advertise your membership to Serra while doing so?
We’ve created a selection of perfectly sized backgrounds for your next Zoom club meeting, virtual kaffeeklatsch, or webinar.
These can also be used as backgrounds for Serra-themed PowerPoint presentations.
Click to download them below.
When the new page opens, click on the “More” symbol (which looks like 3 dots) at the right of the image. Choose “Download” and select the folder on your computer where you would like to store the image.