Exciting Release: Liturgical Resources for 2023-24!

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest liturgical resources for the upcoming year. Attached, you will find both English and Spanish versions of: Advent 2023 Devotion Lent 2024 Devotion General Intercessions for the 2023-24 Liturgical Year Bulletin Blurbs for the 2023-24 Liturgical Year These materials are thoughtfully crafted to enhance your spiritual [...]

Exciting Release: Liturgical Resources for 2023-24!2023-11-27T19:23:31-06:00

Serra Rally 2024

Mark your calendars because the 2024 Serra Rally is just around the corner, and it’s coming to the vibrant city of Miami, Florida! From January 18th to January 21st, 2024, the Serra Rally will take over the Miami Marriott Dadeland for an unforgettable event filled with faith, fellowship, and vocations! Keynote Speakers We are thrilled [...]

Serra Rally 20242023-10-02T08:45:53-05:00

Serra Meets with Bishop Daly to Kick Off Lent

https://youtu.be/TilcdBl5bP8 Serra USA Council Episcopal Adviser Bishop Thomas A. Daly of Spokane, WA, will lead us into Lent with a series of weekly reflections using the book Lent and Easter: Wisdom from St. Vincent de Paul by John E. Rybolt, CM, as a companion. This video is the first of these reflections, which will [...]

Serra Meets with Bishop Daly to Kick Off Lent2021-02-15T19:45:48-06:00

How to Get Your Serra Club to Thrive During the Pandemic

President Cozzens Dear Serrans, I challenge you to meet the needs of our Church at this time.  We cannot let the virus stop us from fulfilling our duties and mission as Serrans. We need to be creative in reaching out to support our priests, seminarians and consecrated orders.  We can use this time [...]

How to Get Your Serra Club to Thrive During the Pandemic2020-04-28T15:36:25-05:00

Seven Serran Prayer Teams for Vocation Directors

From Serra's USA Council President Judy Cozzens: Vocation directors' jobs are very difficult. One vocation director may be serving four parishes on top of his vocation director duties. Another may be a half-time director with no secretary to help. The pressure is great: many vocation directors have pastors tell them that vocations is their job and [...]

Seven Serran Prayer Teams for Vocation Directors2020-03-29T00:01:45-05:00

Our Work Doesn’t Stop at Supporting Vocations.

by Greg Schwietz, President, Serra's Council for the United States Recent statistics cite a remarkable decrease in attendance at Mass of younger generation Catholics. Matt Zerrusen, president of Newman Connection, estimates that over 80% of young Catholics going to college stop actively practicing their faith by the time they graduate. At a recent conference, popular [...]

Our Work Doesn’t Stop at Supporting Vocations.2020-03-29T00:01:45-05:00

New Member Orientation: Anytime, Anyplace!

Serra club new member orientation is now easier than ever! Serra USA’s New Member Orientation module is available online at the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/05kmvqzmzk59j3b/Serra%20New%20Mem%20Orientation%20Nov%202018.mp4?dl=0 This 35-minute recorded webinar is designed to be viewed by members new to Serra within the last three years, and is accompanied by a printable support document: https://www.dropbox.com/s/emd7lq2otitcd7r/Serra%20NMO%20Nov%202018%20docs.pdf?dl=0 Because the session is [...]

New Member Orientation: Anytime, Anyplace!2020-03-29T00:01:45-05:00

USA Council Executive Committee Transitional Meeting Minutes, May 4-6, 2018

President-elect Judy Cozzens (center), her 2018-2019 Executive Committee and guests gather for a meal during a break at the USA Council's Transitional Meeting, May 4-6, 2018. The Executive Committee of Serra's Council for the United States held a Transitional Meeting on May 4-6, 2018, in Minneapolis, MN. The Transitional Meeting is a time [...]

USA Council Executive Committee Transitional Meeting Minutes, May 4-6, 20182020-03-29T00:01:45-05:00

New at www.serraus.org: Fully Updated Meeting Programs Manual

Let’s say you want to cook an ethnic food that is new to you. Or you want to try to improve your favorite dish. What do you do before you start cooking? You investigate recipes, you read up on spices or cooking methods. In other words, you prepare, you arm yourself with knowledge, you increase [...]

New at www.serraus.org: Fully Updated Meeting Programs Manual2020-03-29T00:01:45-05:00
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