The National Vocation Awareness Week, World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life and World Day of Prayer for Vocations are now available and posted to our website. The planning kits can be downloaded for use in your clubs, parishes, schools, religious congregations and dioceses.

Previously Serra Clubs, parishes and dioceses paid over $90,000 to NCCV for these materials. The USA Council will be providing these materials at no cost. The $90,000 can now be used for other vocation work and programs. We will not have printed versions available. In order to help us defray the cost of producing these materials, donations can be made to the Bishop Britt Vocations Restricted Fund.

National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW)
Includes: liturgy planning guide, music suggestions, homily guide, general intercessions, prayer service, prayer card master, bulletin announcements, clip art, poster.

World Day for Consecrated Life (WDCL)
Includes: liturgy planning guide, music suggestions, homily guide, general intercessions, prayer service, prayer card master, bulletin announcements, clip art, poster.

World Day of Prayer for Vocations (WDP)
Includes: liturgy planning guide, music suggestions, homily guide, general intercessions, prayer service, prayer card master, bulletin announcements, clip art, poster.

Priesthood Sunday
This nationwide event is coordinated by the USA Council of Serra International. It is sponsored by the USA Council of Serra International.