Our Work Doesn’t Stop at Supporting Vocations.

by Greg Schwietz, President, Serra's Council for the United States Recent statistics cite a remarkable decrease in attendance at Mass of younger generation Catholics. Matt Zerrusen, president of Newman Connection, estimates that over 80% of young Catholics going to college stop actively practicing their faith by the time they graduate. At a recent conference, popular [...]

Our Work Doesn’t Stop at Supporting Vocations.2020-03-29T00:01:45-05:00

New Member Orientation: Anytime, Anyplace!

Serra club new member orientation is now easier than ever! Serra USA’s New Member Orientation module is available online at the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/05kmvqzmzk59j3b/Serra%20New%20Mem%20Orientation%20Nov%202018.mp4?dl=0 This 35-minute recorded webinar is designed to be viewed by members new to Serra within the last three years, and is accompanied by a printable support document: https://www.dropbox.com/s/emd7lq2otitcd7r/Serra%20NMO%20Nov%202018%20docs.pdf?dl=0 Because the session is [...]

New Member Orientation: Anytime, Anyplace!2020-03-29T00:01:45-05:00
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